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Easy, Cute and Cool Things to Draw


For the hobbyist that just loves to doodle, draw and paint; Get instant access to some quick start art prompts that offer exciting challenges based on Easy, Fun, Cute and Cool things to draw!

You might be suffering from art block and don’t know what to draw? or you might just be bored and looking for new and interesting art challenges!? Don’t worry, this happens to the best of artists which is exactly why this art prompt idea generator was created.

Lists of Things to Draw or Paint:

Easy things to draw (free)

Easy things to draw (free)

Easy, peasy lemon squeezy! These art challenges are simple and straightforward enough for any artist to draw.


Cool things to draw

Cool things to draw

It’s all good, no worries - keep your composure. These art prompts present you with some seriously cool things to draw.


Fun things to draw

Fun things to draw

Try to contain your excitement! These art prompt ideas are exploding with fun and entertaining drawing challenges.


Mixed things to draw

Mixed things to draw

Shake up the bag and tap into these drawing prompts for a mixture of Easy, Cute, Cool and Fun things to draw or paint.


Cute things to draw

Cute things to draw

Awwww, they’re sooo cute! These extremely adorable drawing ideas are waiting for you to adopt and take them home you.


These drawing prompts provide artists like you with quick sketching ideas rooted in specific categories that are suitable to all. These unique drawing ideas present you with challenging art tasks that revolve around a specific subject that is essentially easy, cute, cool or fun to create; all with different twists for a truly exciting list of drawing ideas. These tasks are taken further by getting you to draw them in a certain way with a specific medium.

So look no further for quick lists of fun, cute, cool and easy things to draw, paint or sketch!


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