Colour and light painting fundamentals

Colour & Light Painting Fundamentals Colour & Light Painting Fundamentals

 Mastering colour and light will take your Art to the next level!

This art learning cheat sheet is an overview of tips, tricks and fundamental information that will help you to inject strong colour and light into your artwork. These starting points are taught by all leading professionals so they should be explored and mastered.

Main Points

Colour Creation

The colour of light and colour of local objects react to create new variations. Colour is adative.

Engage the Audience

Use colour, light, atmosphere & value for impact.

Balance Unity with Variety

Contrast familiarity with unfamiliarity using hue, saturation, value & temperature for visual interest.

Warms & Cools

Warm and cool colours compliment each other & work great within the context of unity with variety.

Colour & Emotion

Blue sombre moods, slowing down, night
Reds passion, summer, love, vibrance
Greens magic, supernatural, envy, nature
Yellows light, new life, natural

Back Lighting

Having a scene backlit and the main light source coming towards you allows better lighting & colour.

Viewer Perception

Colour helps viewers percieve the story and mood trying to be conveyed so use appropriate pallettes.

Questions to ask yourself

  • How do colours shift in relation to light?

    How do colours shift in relation to light?

  • How do colours shift in relation other objects?

    How do colours shift in relation other objects?

  • What colour will elicit the appropriate emotion?

    What colour will elicit the appropriate emotion?

  • How does global illumination effect the colours?

    How does global illumination effect the colours?

  • Does the colour scheme reflect the mood?

    Does the colour scheme reflect the mood?

Things to remember

4 properties of colour

Master value, Temperature then Hue & Saturation.

Engaging Artwork

Use a mix of colour, atmosphere, light & value to create a compelling sense of mood and story.

Value range

Limit the value range for more control over the image

Colour of Shadows

Made up of local colour of the object plus any colour of light coming into it.

Use of Contrast

Only use strong points of contrast for areas of focus.


Longer wavelengths lean towards red spectrum.

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