
  • Contest: Concept Art Contest sponsored by GAOMON
  • Art Brief: Environment Brief 3
  • Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/_twodrawneth_/
  • Description: En la edad media, durante la época de plagas, las hidras se despiertan para alimentarse de los cuerpos que la peste y la guerra dejan atrás, acompañan su paso junto a desastres naturales como tormentas de arena y climas áridos, de ahí, que los cielos permanezcan con un color carmesí todo el rato; los hombres deberán decidir su futuro, si morir en campo de batalla, defendiendo las pocas construcciones que quedan en pie, o tirarse al vacío por una muerte cobarde pero rápida.

    In the Middle Ages, during the time of plagues, hydras awaken to feed on the bodies left behind by plague and war, accompanying their passage along with natural disasters such as sandstorms and arid climates, hence, the skies remain with a crimson color all the time; men must decide their future, whether to die on the battlefield, defending the few buildings that remain standing, or throw themselves into the void for a cowardly but quick death.

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